"The Alligator Winch" in USITT 11th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit and Catalog (2007).
"Reverse Peristaltic Motion Control: A Feasibility Study for Theatre Automation" in Theatre Design and Technology (Winter 2005)
"Articulated Angel Wings for Angels In America" in USITT 10th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit and Catalog (2005).
"A Simple, Compact Manual Winch" in USITT 10th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit and Catalog (2005).
"Good, Fast, Cheap--Pick Three: an Ultra-low Winch Track" in USITT 9th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit and Catalog (2003).
"PVC/Paint Roller Pneumatic Muffler" in USITT 8th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit and Catalog (2001).
"Pneumatic Cylinder Uses Paint Roller Piston" in Yale Tech Briefs (April, 2000)
"Professor Perfect's Guide To Theatre Etiquette" in Theatre Design and Technology (Winter, 2000).
Book Review, Structural Design for the Stage by Holden and Sammler, in Theatre Design and Technology (Summer 1999).
"Gridbits" in USITT 7th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit and Catalog (1999).
"The Basics of Stage Automation," in Theatre Design and Technology (Summer, 1998).
"A Self-paging Cable Tray" in Yale Technical Briefs (October, 1997).
"Using a Magnetically-coupled, Rodless Pneumatic Cylinder To Automate A Trap-door" in USITT 6th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit and Catalog (1997).
"Micro-programmable Logic Controllers: Low Cost Automation for the Stage, Or Learning to Love Ladder Logic," in Theatre Design and Technology (Spring, 1996)
"Creating the Ellipse, Part I" in USITT Sightlines, (October, 1995)
"Creating the Ellipse, Part II" in USITT Sightlines, (September, 1995)
"The Tempus Fugit Machine" in USITT 5th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit and Catalog (1995)
"A Foam Molding Machine" in USITT 5th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit and Catalog (1995)
Presentations at Professional Conferences
"Theatre Technicians Do Not Need Diplomas" OISTAT/Opera Europa Roundtable, Showtech 2009, Berlin, Germany
"Sensors and Encoders" USITT National Conference 2008. Houston, TX
"Stump the TD" USITT National Conference 2007. Phoenix, AZ
"Strange Revolves" USITT National Conference 2007. Phoenix, AZ
"Advanced Electronic Drives" USITT National Conference 2006. Louisville, Kentucky
"Stage Winch Design Techniques" USITT National Conference 2006. Louisville, Kentucky
"Producing Digital Scenery" USITT National Conference 2006. Louisville, Kentucky
"Reverse Peristaltic Motion Control: the results of a USITT funded study" USITT National Conference 2004. Long Beach, California
"Tooling Your Metal Shop" USITT National Conference 2004. Long Beach, California
"Gee, I Wish I Hadn't Done That!" USITT National Conference 2003. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
"Safety at the Show" PLSN Conference and Exposition 2003. San Diego, California
"Introduction To PLC Programming" a Professional Development Workshop USITT National Conference 2002. New Orleans, Louisiana
"TD Mentors/ Young TDs Making the Transition" USITT National Conference 2002. New Orleans, Louisiana
"Design Production Schedules and Deadlines" USITT National Conference 2002. New Orleans, Louisiana
"Classic Problems, Unique Solutions" USITT National Conference 2002. New Orleans, Louisiana
"Safety First" Professional Lighting and Sound Conference 2002. San Diego, California.
"Automation--Hands On!" USITT National Conference 2001. Long Beach, California.
"Fun with Pneumatics" USITT National Conference 2001. Long Beach, California.
"Dogs and Show Decks" USITT National Conference 2000. Denver, Colorado.
"Human Machine Interfaces" USITT National Conference 2000. Denver, Colorado.
"Filling the Pipeline" USITT National Conference 2000. Denver, Colorado.
"Safety in Automation Systems" USITT National Conference 2000. Denver, Colorado
"Advanced Motion Control Systems for the Stage" USITT National Conference 1999. Toronto, Canada.
"Motor Selection for Theatre Scenery and Effects" USITT National Conference 1999. Toronto, Canada.
"Off-the-shelf Devices for Mid-range Stage Automation," USITT National Conference 1998. Long Beach, California.
"Contemporary Designers Taking the Helm" Speech Communication Association/Theatre Division, San Diego, CA. November 1996.
"New Materials and Techniques in Scenic Construction," USITT National Conference 1996. Dallas Texas.
Awards and Grants
"The Alligator Winch" in USITT 11th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit (2007).
USITT Herbert D. Greggs Merit Award for "Reverse Peristaltic Motion Control: A Feasibility Study for Theatre Automation" (2006)
"Articulated Angel Wings for Angels In America" USITT 10th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit (2005).
"SaddleSore 1000" certified by the Iron Butt Association, for a motorcycle ride of 1259 miles in less than 24 hours, as part of the Long Reach Long Riders (2005).
"Good, Fast, Cheap--Pick Three: an Ultra-low Winch Track" USITT 9th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit (2003)
"Reverse Peristaltic Motion Control: A Feasibility Study for Theatre Automation" USITT Project Grant (2002).
"PVC/Paint Roller Pneumatic Muffler" USITT 8th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit (2001).
"Gridbits" USITT 7th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit (1999)
"Using a Magnetically-coupled, Rodless Pneumatic Cylinder To Automate A Trap-door" USITT 6th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit (1997)
"Most Involved Faculty Member" Skull and Dagger, 1997
"The Tempus Fugit Machine" USITT 5th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit (1995)
"A Foam Molding Machine" USITT 5th Biennial Theatre Technology Exhibit (1995)
"Outstanding Faculty Member" Skull and Dagger (1995)
Non-academic Publications
"Of Clouds and Canyons" The story of a flight to the Grand Canyon. Self-published.
"A Tall Tale of a Tailwind" The whimsical story of a flight to the EAA Fly-in at Arlington, Washington. Illustrated by the author. Serialized in the EAA Chapter 14 Spirit of Flight newsletter.
"A Tall Tale of a Tailwind II" The story of a flight from San Diego, California to Oshkosh, Wisconson in a homebuilt airplane. Serialized in the EAA Chapter 14 Spirit of Flight newsletter.
Link to the poetry page.
Link to the Cows on a Mission page.